A Church Created BY the Recovery Community FOR the Recovery Community

recovery church
The Service
We meet on Monday evenings, at 7pm until 8:30pm, Wednesday at 12 Noon until 1pm, and Thursday evenings at 7pm for Bible Study. We will celebrate a virtual Communion on the first Monday of the month, a Business Meeting the 2nd Monday at 6:15pm and will have a speaker or celebrant share on the 4th Monday of the month. (All meeting times are in Eastern)
Monday's Weekly Service: It is our hope through RECOVERY CHURCH to give you the opportunity to connect and draw closer to God through worship, scripture, spiritual teachings based on the bible, recovery literature, Jesus, as well as personal experience that will encourage both your recovery as well as your Spiritual Awakening.
Wednesday Open Discussion Meeting: Today’s meeting will begin with a speaker of 10 – 15 minutes (to go no later than 12:20pm), before our time of Open Sharing, followed by a short time of worship & prayer. (All meeting times are in Eastern)
Thursday Life Recovery Bible Study: This Recovery Church Bible Study meeting is an hour long and utilizes the Life Recovery Bible to lead teachings, discussion, and prayer time dedicated to growing closer in your knowledge, faith, relationship with Jesus.
RECOVERY CHURCH in NO way intends to replace, redefine, or reinterpret existing recovery programs, but uses these principles as a bridge to a sober Christian life.
Max Ingram
Max Ingram is a pastor who oversees Recovery Church-South Jersey. He has over 25 years of experience in recovery and over 20 years of ministry experience as well. He is an ordained minister with the Evangelical Church Alliance. Currently, he oversees multiple weekly online services for Recovery Church-South Jersey, and has dedicated his full focus on the ministry of the Recovery Church Movement. Max lives in Marlton, NJ, just outside Philadelphia, and is married to Jill for over 20 years, and they have three children, Lily (17), Max III (15), and Bradley (12). In addition, Max loves movies and is a big Auburn, soccer, and Philadelphia sports fan.

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You can mail a check to the following address:
Attn. Recovery Church Online
10152 Indiantown Road #193
Jupiter, FL 33478
Make checks payable to “Recovery Church Movement."
Thank you for supporting this ministry!
Recovery Church Online is a part of the Recovery Church Movement Association of Recovery Churches.
Recovery Church Movement is an exempt 501(c)(3) organization.